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Teapot Donald

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Let me keep this short, for now. Excuse any grammar mistakes/retardation, it’s been a long and exhausting day. I’m going to speed through this.
The reason Donald and I split up was simply due to the fact I had found out he stole a 900gb digital copy of my personal / development HDD with 11+ years of work, consisting of 24-48-72+ hour shifts through years of little sleep and hard dedication, as well as hundreds of gigs of personal documents & photos. Apart from my first reason to slam the hammer, Donald was also heavily skimming from sales (he stole thousands of dollars from under me. He also did the same to Jester from NiNjA), as well as having played some “tricks on the IPN”. I got tired of Donald getting rich off of me while I made next to nothing.
How did he steal my HDD data? Back in June of 2020 I suffered an HDD failure. He offered to cover the lab recovery costs as I didn’t have enough money to lay out at the time, especially with the skimming going on in the background (I had no control of anything anymore. My stealth server, that I designed and developed since 2012 — branded in 2014). So he handled my HDD recovery through a lab, not only did make me pay the FULL $2,500, a company expense (-$100/week) out of sales I already made very little off, what a waste of 11 years it felt like. Little was I aware of the skimming going on... even less was I aware of the fact that the company he used allowed for the account holder to download a digital copy of the HDD before the physical unit was delivered. Well, surely enough he had used his shady, deceiving ways and again abused his powers, evaded my every bit of privacy, and requested that digital copy behind my back. It’s been several months Donald has had to go. As all of the information added up, his role as victim grew and my total lack of control of Teapot Live was enough. I was done.
Donald is very intelligent when it comes to being a crook. Donald backed me into a financial corner by limiting my income, hiding sale stats (he refused to ever give me access to the SendOwl -- sketchy, huh?). As a result of him limiting my income he was able to slowly take ownership of almost everything, EXCEPT my domain name, because I really never fully trusted him. Donald took over the hosting services (which he used to scam the fuck out of me for. Hosting was only $100, yet he'd claim it was more and make me pay it whole), anyway, he eventually took over the hosting subscriptions, license subscriptions and everything else he could. He knew his time was running short and I was onto him; so what's he do? he purchases the .com domain in 2020 (strangely the same year he stole 900gb of data off my HDD), and kept the domain hidden from me. Why? because he had this massive takeover planned for a long time - he knew the day I finally said enough is enough would come.
On to the drugs: perhaps you should know that Donald is a lowkey junk box who stuffs oxycontin in his mouth and smokes all the pot he possible can. How did he afford it? he afford(ed) it by skimming sales from Teapot Live, again, while I made next to nothing and thought of new ways to kill myself every single day. Sure, I used drugs for a week before I slapped myself in the face and realized what the fuck I was doing. Why? because Donald made my life such a depressing empty hole that I wanted to die every single day, and using (a drug - single) was my plan on hopefully having an overdose and dying. Real shit, I don't lie, I am not ashamed, and I do not hold back on the truth, unlike Donald. Fyi, I don't even smoke pot anymore.
As a result of him limiting my income, he was able to take ownership of almost everything - webhosting, licenses, and misc subscriptions. Keep in mind, I NEVER had access to the SendOwl autobuy, thus I had absolutely no knowledge as to how much money Teapot was making, ever. Shady, right?
so what does he do? He used the outdated stolen source he ripped off my HDD of which I spent many many years on, that made him many many thousands of dollars since 2017 and deploys his own little circus under AGAIN another Teapot asset I had no control over (.com). Now “v4” has launched because I knew how to exploit my own code (obv), which I used to cripple his servers, but what he fails to mention is that he teamed up with JayD, the guy who wrote Helix. Guess what? “His version” of Teapot Live is simply Helix Live Source v1.0 - a 2x 2020 failed server made by a pseudo intellectual, wannabe programmer whose master skills are copy pasta. His version is just crappy copy & pasted made Helix Live re-branded with Teapot colors and graphics.
I’m just fortunate Donald never had my 3.1 source. The most stable, properly object oriented, highly secure, optimized and organized with the addition of advanced error diagnostics, internal handling, etc.
Donald can take his Helix v1 source and stick it in his mothers twat. It effects nothing but his own reputation.
BTW: Donald has not a clue how to write a line of code in ANY language, nor does he understand basic usage of a computer or an Xbox360 console. He's a brain dead manipulation master who fooled me for almost 4 years. He’s just a heavy pot-head shyster with nothing but himself in mind.

Posted: 3 Years ago Thursday 12th of April